
Training and career fairs

As an employer, we also maintain our presence in the region for individuals who are seeking a new job or who are at the start of their career. You can come and meet us at various training, education and career fairs.

Training and education fairs provide prospective apprentices and students with an overview of the extensive range of training and study opportunities as well as career prospects at BVS. Interested parties thus have the opportunity to talk directly to responsible HR staff and apprentices about the general conditions of the apprenticeship or degree. Application documents can also be checked at the stand to ensure all of the documents required for the application and selection processes are correct.

At the various career fairs, we will always be happy to discuss your concerns, regardless of whether you are seeking a new job, are looking for a change of career or would like to switch back to a permanent position. Come and get to know us and make sure that BVS is the right employer for you. We offer a range of entry level options including in the Technology, IT, Sales and Marketing, and Administration departments.

An overview of the current entry level options is available in our Career section.

Training fairs Direct contact with applicants

BVS Electronics not only attends trade fairs in the CNC, PLC and robot automation technology sectors but can also be found at training, career und education fairs. Prospective apprentices and students can thus gain an overview of the extensive range of training and study opportunities as well as career prospects at BVS.

Interested parties thus have the opportunity to talk directly to responsible HR staff, instructors and apprentices about the general conditions of the apprenticeship or degree. Application documents can also be checked at the stand to ensure all of the documents required for the application and selection processes are correct.

An overview of the current trainee and study programmes is available in our Career section.

Upcoming trade fairs

Jobmesse Frankfurt 16.10.2019

Auf Jobsuche in Frankfurt und Umgebung?

Dann sind Sie auf der Jobmesse Frankfurt genau richtig. Hier kann man sich über aktuelle Stellen-, Aus- und Weiterbildungs- sowie Studienangebote auf dem regionalen Arbeitsmarkt schlau machen und sich gleich bewerben! Namhafte Global-Player sowie kleinere Unternehmen, Bildungseinrichtungen sowie Institutionen verschiedenster Branchen freuen sich, Sie persönlich kennenzulernen und stehen Ihnen bei Fragen rund um das Thema Karriere zur Seite.

Wir freuen uns, Sie auf unserem Stand begrüßen zu dürfen!

Jobmesse Frankfurt - BVS Industrie-Elektronik

meet@h_da - BVS Industrie-Elektronik

Meet@h_da Darmstadt 20.11.2019

Die 19. Karrieremesse meet@h_da findet am 19. und 20. November 2019 von 10 - 16 Uhr im Messezelt am Hochhaus statt und ist genau das Richtige wenn man:

  • ein geeignetes Unternehmen für einen Praktikumsplatz, eine Abschlussarbeit oder für eine Bachelor- oder Master-Thesis sucht
  • das Studium bereits abgeschlossen hat und auf der Suche nach einer interessanten Stelle ist
  • sein Studium in Kürze beendet oder
  • qualifizierter Nachwuchs gesucht wird und man attraktive Tätigkeiten im Unternehmen anbieten will

Hier haben Studierende / Absolventen die ideale Gelegenheit, Unternehmen kennenzulernen und direkte Bewerbungsgespräche für Praktika, Abschlussarbeiten oder eine Festanstellung zu führen.

Besuchen Sie uns am 22.11. an unserem Stand und erfahren Sie, welche Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten Sie bei uns erwarten!

Recent training fairs

15. Hanauer Berufsmesse 27th April 2018

Your network to training with a future

The 15th career fair in Hanau was held between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on 27th April 2018. Prospective apprentices and interested parties had a packed programme ahead of them. The host and comedian, Osman Citir, guided fair visitors through the day with a motivational show and panel discussions.

Visitors to our stand gained an exciting insights into the professional world of the industrial electronics sector. We offer a total of four different apprenticeships that will ensure the start of your career is an excellent new experience. On the day our apprentices and staff from the HR Department were on hand to answer any questions.


Overview of our training options:

  • Vocational training as an industry sales agent
  • Vocational training dialogue marketing sales agent
  • Vocational training as an electronics engineer for automation technology
  • Vocational training as an IT specialist in application development

Go to the organiser's website

15. Hanauer Berufsmesse 27th April 2018

Your network to training with a future

The 15th career fair in Hanau was held between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on 27th April 2018. Prospective apprentices and interested parties had a packed programme ahead of them. The host and comedian, Osman Citir, guided fair visitors through the day with a motivational show and panel discussions.

Visitors to our stand gained an exciting insights into the professional world of the industrial electronics sector. We offer a total of four different apprenticeships that will ensure the start of your career is an excellent new experience. On the day our apprentices and staff from the HR Department were on hand to answer any questions.


Overview of our training options:

  • Vocational training as an industry sales agent
  • Vocational training dialogue marketing sales agent
  • Vocational training as an electronics engineer for automation technology
  • Vocational training as an IT specialist in application development

Go to the organiser's website